What Kind of Fiction Should You Write? - Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires
Experimental Writing Links
This is the heart of this resource site, where you will find publishers, magazines, articles, lists, individual authors, stories, reviews, contests, books. There should be something for everyone from people wanting to get an idea of what innovative literature is, to people who make it their careers.
"I began to write fiction on the assumption that the true enemies of the novel were plot, character, setting and theme, and having once abandoned these familiar ways of thinking about fiction, totality of vision or structure was really all that remained." John Hawkes
Articles on Non-Traditional Literature
"What is Experimental Literature?" by Christopher Higgs at HTML Giant
Interview with Tim Horvath
Why experimental fiction threatens to destroy publishing, Jonathan Franzen, and life as we know it
The Hysterical Realism Reading List at Anobium
Interview with Christopher Higgs by Andrew Worthington at Thought Catalogue
"Experimental Fiction," an article about Ernst Weiss in The Tablet by Joshua Cohen
SF Site on Forrest Aquirre: Experimental Fiction by Trent Walters
Trends and Challenges in Modern Literature by Dusan Knezevic which includes a link to a writing community project.
"Obscurity in Poetry, towards an avant-garde poetic" by John C. Goodman - Angel
House Press
The True World: When Consensual Reality is Not Enough in Margin Magazine, about Magical Realis
in The Reading Experience: contemporary literature and criticism Experimental Writing essays on authors
Experimental Fiction as Genre and as Principle
Interview with Tim Horvath
Why experimental fiction threatens to destroy publishing, Jonathan Franzen, and life as we know it
The Hysterical Realism Reading List at Anobium
Interview with Christopher Higgs by Andrew Worthington at Thought Catalogue
"Experimental Fiction," an article about Ernst Weiss in The Tablet by Joshua Cohen
SF Site on Forrest Aquirre: Experimental Fiction by Trent Walters
Trends and Challenges in Modern Literature by Dusan Knezevic which includes a link to a writing community project.
"Obscurity in Poetry, towards an avant-garde poetic" by John C. Goodman - Angel
House Press
The True World: When Consensual Reality is Not Enough in Margin Magazine, about Magical Realis
in The Reading Experience: contemporary literature and criticism Experimental Writing essays on authors
Experimental Fiction as Genre and as Principle
The Death of the Absurd? in The Millions
The Valve articles on Experimental Fiction
The difference between a concept and a constraint
Lucid Fiction--on Violence in Literature
Experimental Fiction vs Bizarro by Carlon Mellick
Articles on Experimental Fiction in Quarterly Conversation a great list, check it out!
Ten Theses on the Nature of Metafiction by George Fragopuolos
Articles on Post-Modern Fiction in Quarterly Conversation
Ergodic Literature defined
on Cistern Tawdry by Eckhard Gerdes at Fugue State Press
Happy Endings, The Experimental Short Story as Metafiction
Reading the Short Story: The Experimental Short Story--
Metastories and Metaphories Review of Fiction 2008 by Becky Tuch
Conversation with Julio Cortazar by Evelyn Garfield
Experimental Literature by Fourth Wall
Lost in the Barthhouse John Barth, by Blair Mahoney
What's Experimental about Experimental Writing?
Science into Poetry on Raymond Queneau by Marjorie Welish in the Boston Review
Writing Consciousness in Contemporary Literature part 1 in Black Clock
Literary Cubism-- A Non Structured Structure for Twenty First Century Storytelling by Mohamed Mughal
Experimental Fiction as Genre and as Principle. Big Other
How Avant is it?
Against the "Impossible to Explain": the Post-Modern Novel and Society
Experimental Fiction: Is it Making a Comeback?
Brian Evenson interviewed by Chris Higgs
The Necessity of Vision in Experimental Literature
Mortara: a proposal for a new literary subgenre based on hypertext and electronic literature by Juan Pablo Plata
The Avant-Garde and the Question of Literature
MFS issue on Avant-Garde
The Good Old Avant-Garde
The Return of British Avant-Garde
Experimental Fiction: Is it Making a Comeback?
Zadie Smith Looks at the Avant-Garde Novel
Chinese Post-Modernism
The Great Avant-Garde Hope
Lost Boat
Difficult Reading Hour
The Reading Experience articles on Experimental Fiction
What is Experimental Fiction?
Experimental Fiction at its Finest -- and Funniest
Experimental Fiction as Genre and Principle
What's Experimental about Experimental Writing?
Miranda Mellis
I Don't Understand the Idea of Experimental Writing
A Commonplace Blog
What Happened to Experimental Writing?
A Handful of Experimental Writers
Experimental Literature
Women Writers and the Restive Text
Danielle Dutton
Review of Tree Codes
Sneaky Author Tricks
The Valve articles on Experimental Fiction
The difference between a concept and a constraint
Lucid Fiction--on Violence in Literature
Experimental Fiction vs Bizarro by Carlon Mellick
Articles on Experimental Fiction in Quarterly Conversation a great list, check it out!
Ten Theses on the Nature of Metafiction by George Fragopuolos
Articles on Post-Modern Fiction in Quarterly Conversation
Ergodic Literature defined
on Cistern Tawdry by Eckhard Gerdes at Fugue State Press
Happy Endings, The Experimental Short Story as Metafiction
Reading the Short Story: The Experimental Short Story--
Metastories and Metaphories Review of Fiction 2008 by Becky Tuch
Conversation with Julio Cortazar by Evelyn Garfield
Experimental Literature by Fourth Wall
Lost in the Barthhouse John Barth, by Blair Mahoney
What's Experimental about Experimental Writing?
Science into Poetry on Raymond Queneau by Marjorie Welish in the Boston Review
Writing Consciousness in Contemporary Literature part 1 in Black Clock
Literary Cubism-- A Non Structured Structure for Twenty First Century Storytelling by Mohamed Mughal
Experimental Fiction as Genre and as Principle. Big Other
How Avant is it?
Against the "Impossible to Explain": the Post-Modern Novel and Society
Experimental Fiction: Is it Making a Comeback?
Brian Evenson interviewed by Chris Higgs
The Necessity of Vision in Experimental Literature
Mortara: a proposal for a new literary subgenre based on hypertext and electronic literature by Juan Pablo Plata
The Avant-Garde and the Question of Literature
MFS issue on Avant-Garde
The Good Old Avant-Garde
The Return of British Avant-Garde
Experimental Fiction: Is it Making a Comeback?
Zadie Smith Looks at the Avant-Garde Novel
Chinese Post-Modernism
The Great Avant-Garde Hope
Lost Boat
Difficult Reading Hour
The Reading Experience articles on Experimental Fiction
What is Experimental Fiction?
Experimental Fiction at its Finest -- and Funniest
Experimental Fiction as Genre and Principle
What's Experimental about Experimental Writing?
Miranda Mellis
I Don't Understand the Idea of Experimental Writing
A Commonplace Blog
What Happened to Experimental Writing?
A Handful of Experimental Writers
Experimental Literature
Women Writers and the Restive Text
Danielle Dutton
Review of Tree Codes
Sneaky Author Tricks
Experimental Writing Books
American Experimental Fiction
Architecture of Possibility
Rebel Yell by Lance Olsen
Writing that Takes Risks
Anti-Story: An Anthology of Experimental Fiction
Breaking the Sequence: Women's Experimental Writing
Three Boys who Thought Experimental Fiction was for Pussies
Skinny Dipping in the Lake of the Dead DeNiro
Kelly Link's Magic for Beginners
Contemporary Chinese Fiction
Feminist Authors and Experimental Fiction in France and Quebec
Emancipating Pragmatism: Emerson, Jazz, and Experimental Writing
Writing in the Feminine: Feminism and Experimental Writing in Quebec by Karen Gould
Snail Gun by Michael Woods
The Laundromat Essay by Kyle Buckley
Overnight to Many Distant Cities, by the famous experimental fiction writer, Donald Barthelme
Transgressions: The Iowa Journal of Innovative Fiction
Novel Beginnings: Experimentls in Eighteenth Century English Fiction
We Who Love to be Astonished: Experimental Women's Writing and Performance Poetics
Sensational Modernism: Experimental Fiction and Photography in Thirties America
Allegories of Transition and Transformation: Experimental Fiction by Women Writing Under Dictatorship
an interview with Eckhart Gerdes by David Hoenigman at Word Riot
Race and the Avant-garde
The Reading Experience essays on Experimental works
Discrepant Engagement: Dissonance, Cross-Culturality and Experimental Writing
Another South Experimental Writing in the South
Experimental Fiction as Genre and as Principle
What Could Small/Micro/Indie Learn from the Concept of Transmedia Storytelling by Christopher Higgs
The Novel: an Alternative History
Another South
Exercises in Style
Best American Experimental Writing Anthology
Experimental Summer's End
Literature as an Experiment
Discrepant Engagement: Dissonance, Cross-Culturality, and Experimental Writing
The Routeledge Companion to Experimental Literature
Architecture of Possibility
Rebel Yell by Lance Olsen
Writing that Takes Risks
Anti-Story: An Anthology of Experimental Fiction
Breaking the Sequence: Women's Experimental Writing
Three Boys who Thought Experimental Fiction was for Pussies
Skinny Dipping in the Lake of the Dead DeNiro
Kelly Link's Magic for Beginners
Contemporary Chinese Fiction
Feminist Authors and Experimental Fiction in France and Quebec
Emancipating Pragmatism: Emerson, Jazz, and Experimental Writing
Writing in the Feminine: Feminism and Experimental Writing in Quebec by Karen Gould
Snail Gun by Michael Woods
The Laundromat Essay by Kyle Buckley
Overnight to Many Distant Cities, by the famous experimental fiction writer, Donald Barthelme
Transgressions: The Iowa Journal of Innovative Fiction
Novel Beginnings: Experimentls in Eighteenth Century English Fiction
We Who Love to be Astonished: Experimental Women's Writing and Performance Poetics
Sensational Modernism: Experimental Fiction and Photography in Thirties America
Allegories of Transition and Transformation: Experimental Fiction by Women Writing Under Dictatorship
an interview with Eckhart Gerdes by David Hoenigman at Word Riot
Race and the Avant-garde
The Reading Experience essays on Experimental works
Discrepant Engagement: Dissonance, Cross-Culturality and Experimental Writing
Another South Experimental Writing in the South
Experimental Fiction as Genre and as Principle
What Could Small/Micro/Indie Learn from the Concept of Transmedia Storytelling by Christopher Higgs
The Novel: an Alternative History
Another South
Exercises in Style
Best American Experimental Writing Anthology
Experimental Summer's End
Literature as an Experiment
Discrepant Engagement: Dissonance, Cross-Culturality, and Experimental Writing
The Routeledge Companion to Experimental Literature
Then, There's This
Experimental Writing Page on Facebook
Owl Brain Atlas (Snow Eater)
Corbett Report Interview with John Rappoport
The individual against the syndicate in 2044: a short story by John Rappoport
Artist Books at Vamp and Tramp
Maude Nichols by Susan Gibb
Somatics Poetry Exercises
The New Post Literate Gallery
Experiential Experimental Writing
Experimental Write, a playlist of videos of great authors in the genre.
Safety Pin Review
Experimental Writing Across Borders
Barnes and Noble Avant-Garde books
Accessibility & the avant-garde audio discussion
David Schneidrman's Videos
The Aleph Twitter and Gutenberg Mashup
Experiments in Text: The Literature that Organisms Demand
Experimental Experiential Literature
Audio interview at Raw Dog Screaming with Lance Olsen
Literary Underground Blog Talk Radio
Experimental Film from Sylvia Plath
Owl Brain Atlas (Snow Eater)
Corbett Report Interview with John Rappoport
The individual against the syndicate in 2044: a short story by John Rappoport
Artist Books at Vamp and Tramp
Maude Nichols by Susan Gibb
Somatics Poetry Exercises
The New Post Literate Gallery
Experiential Experimental Writing
Experimental Write, a playlist of videos of great authors in the genre.
Safety Pin Review
Experimental Writing Across Borders
Barnes and Noble Avant-Garde books
Accessibility & the avant-garde audio discussion
David Schneidrman's Videos
The Aleph Twitter and Gutenberg Mashup
Experiments in Text: The Literature that Organisms Demand
Experimental Experiential Literature
Audio interview at Raw Dog Screaming with Lance Olsen
Literary Underground Blog Talk Radio
Experimental Film from Sylvia Plath
photo by Thomas Jarrell Bensko
Magazines That Publish Experimental Literature
Ninth Letter
DIAGRAM--check out their playing cards
Crash Test
Ditch Poetry
Infinity's Kitchen
Certain Circuits
Tarpaulin Sky
Two Hawks Quarterly
Straylight Literary Magazine
The Newer York
Symmetry Pebbles
Bewildering Stories
DIAGRAM--check out their playing cards
Crash Test
Ditch Poetry
Infinity's Kitchen
Certain Circuits
Tarpaulin Sky
Two Hawks Quarterly
Straylight Literary Magazine
The Newer York
Symmetry Pebbles
Bewildering Stories
Monkey Bicycle
Conjunctions Magazine
The Valve
Coe Review
Whistling Fire
Gone Lawn Journal
Berkeley Fiction Review
10,000 Tons of Black Ink
Review of Contemporary Fiction
New Letters
WheelHouse Magazine and Press
580 Split
Writing Disorder
Out of Nothing
Innovative Fiction
Other Voices
Oak Bend Review
Trench Foot Gazette
Stone Highway Review
Conjunctions Magazine
The Valve
Coe Review
Whistling Fire
Gone Lawn Journal
Berkeley Fiction Review
10,000 Tons of Black Ink
Review of Contemporary Fiction
New Letters
WheelHouse Magazine and Press
580 Split
Writing Disorder
Out of Nothing
Innovative Fiction
Other Voices
Oak Bend Review
Trench Foot Gazette
Stone Highway Review
Websites on Experimental Writing
Gone Lawn Excavation Project
Cut "N" Mix has pages on postmodernism and experimental writing and a method to generate cutups.
Experimental Fiction/Poetry
Multimedia Theory and Experimental Fiction by Glenn Kurtz with a focus on hypertext
Dead City Library
A Collage of Citations
A Question of MFA Experimental classes David Hebblethwaite's blog
The Modern Word
Haruki Murakami Resources
Nobody Here
Reconstructing Mayakovsky
The Literary Underground
Cut "N" Mix has pages on postmodernism and experimental writing and a method to generate cutups.
Experimental Fiction/Poetry
Multimedia Theory and Experimental Fiction by Glenn Kurtz with a focus on hypertext
Dead City Library
A Collage of Citations
A Question of MFA Experimental classes David Hebblethwaite's blog
The Modern Word
Haruki Murakami Resources
Nobody Here
Reconstructing Mayakovsky
The Literary Underground
Experimental Writing Presses
Civil Coping Mechanisms
Jaded Ibis
Dzanc Books
Hotel Saint George
Crossing Chaos Enigmatic Ink
Dog Horn Press
Chomu Press
Sunny Outside
Knives, Forks, and Spoons Press
Krupskaya Press
Exact Change
LucidPlay Publishing
Blood Pudding Press
Fugue State Press
Quale Press
Warm Milk
Fact Simile
Fiction Collective 2
Litmus Press
Many Mountains Moving Press
Ellipsis Press
Paragraph Line Books
Singing Horse
Tarpaulin Sky Press
Xenos Books
New Directions Publishing
Dalkey Archive Press
Goldfish Press
Spout Press
Red Ceilings Press
Gibbous House
Two-Handed Engine Press
Ronin Press
Rose Metal Press
Paper Hero Press
Honest Publishing
Leapfrog Press
Augury Books
Softskull Press
Black Coffee Press
Future Tense Books
Dark Coast Press
Hotel St. George Press
Rebel Satori Press
Chalk Editions
Subito Press
Unthank Press
Les Figues
Blue Square
Featherproof Books
A-Minor Press
Dynatox Ministries
Knives Forks And Spoons Press
Red Bridge Press
Jaded Ibis
Dzanc Books
Hotel Saint George
Crossing Chaos Enigmatic Ink
Dog Horn Press
Chomu Press
Sunny Outside
Knives, Forks, and Spoons Press
Krupskaya Press
Exact Change
LucidPlay Publishing
Blood Pudding Press
Fugue State Press
Quale Press
Warm Milk
Fact Simile
Fiction Collective 2
Litmus Press
Many Mountains Moving Press
Ellipsis Press
Paragraph Line Books
Singing Horse
Tarpaulin Sky Press
Xenos Books
New Directions Publishing
Dalkey Archive Press
Goldfish Press
Spout Press
Red Ceilings Press
Gibbous House
Two-Handed Engine Press
Ronin Press
Rose Metal Press
Paper Hero Press
Honest Publishing
Leapfrog Press
Augury Books
Softskull Press
Black Coffee Press
Future Tense Books
Dark Coast Press
Hotel St. George Press
Rebel Satori Press
Chalk Editions
Subito Press
Unthank Press
Les Figues
Blue Square
Featherproof Books
A-Minor Press
Dynatox Ministries
Knives Forks And Spoons Press
Red Bridge Press
Avant-Garde Literature Lists
Library Thing
Eckhard Gerdes' list of Innovative Literature with Heart
Mandatory Experimental Fiction
Barnes and Noble titles
If you were teaching a class in......
Literature: Contemporary: How to find experimental novels and short stories
The Year in Books--best Experimental Novels of 2009
LibraryThing such as Borges
Experimental Writing Meet-up Groups
Popular Experimental Writing Books
Eckhard Gerdes' list of Innovative Literature with Heart
Mandatory Experimental Fiction
Barnes and Noble titles
If you were teaching a class in......
Literature: Contemporary: How to find experimental novels and short stories
The Year in Books--best Experimental Novels of 2009
LibraryThing such as Borges
Experimental Writing Meet-up Groups
Popular Experimental Writing Books
Contemporary Non-Traditional Short Stories and Poems
Typewriter for a Superior Alphabet by Robert Kaye
Psychological Realist Story Generating Machine by Kyle Minor
Itinerary for Wed, Oct 8 by Todd Dills
Neverland by Gabriel Blackwell
A Really Far Ways Off by Kirsten Alene
The Mask of Satan A List to Remember You By by Jamie Grefe
Final Draft in Reverse by Geoff Schutt
Why I Never Finished Stephen King’s The Stand by Mark Jaskowski
The Ladies of the Cracked Gumball Machine by Philip Tinkler
Non-Medical Descriptions of an Object Floating in Glass by Matt Bell
Creating a Radio by Matt Bell
Grim Tales by Norman Lock
Something about a Present Day Jesus by Krammer Abrahams
Substitution Chart by J. Robert Lennon
Things I Learned But No Longer Believe by Bill Yarrow
Short Cuts by Catherine Davis and Marcus Speh
End of Chapter Questions for an Imaginary Textbook by Michael Seidel
This Furniture is a Dining Room Table and a Daughter Called Mountain by J.A. Tyler
Matrixology: fact vs. fiction by Jon Rappoport
Psychological Realist Story Generating Machine by Kyle Minor
Itinerary for Wed, Oct 8 by Todd Dills
Neverland by Gabriel Blackwell
A Really Far Ways Off by Kirsten Alene
The Mask of Satan A List to Remember You By by Jamie Grefe
Final Draft in Reverse by Geoff Schutt
Why I Never Finished Stephen King’s The Stand by Mark Jaskowski
The Ladies of the Cracked Gumball Machine by Philip Tinkler
Non-Medical Descriptions of an Object Floating in Glass by Matt Bell
Creating a Radio by Matt Bell
Grim Tales by Norman Lock
Something about a Present Day Jesus by Krammer Abrahams
Substitution Chart by J. Robert Lennon
Things I Learned But No Longer Believe by Bill Yarrow
Short Cuts by Catherine Davis and Marcus Speh
End of Chapter Questions for an Imaginary Textbook by Michael Seidel
This Furniture is a Dining Room Table and a Daughter Called Mountain by J.A. Tyler
Matrixology: fact vs. fiction by Jon Rappoport
Experimental Literature Authors
Ted Pelton
John Barth
Italo Calvino
Julio Cortizar
Jorge Luis Borges
Michael Jacobson
Vanessa Place
Daniel Grandbois
Lily Hoang
Tom Robbins
V. Ulea
Janice Lee
Christopher Higgs
Matt Bell
Philip Golabuk
Molly Gaudry
Blake Butler
Gertrude Stein
Debra Di Blasi
Craig Foltz
John Parras
John Barth
Italo Calvino
Julio Cortizar
Jorge Luis Borges
Michael Jacobson
Vanessa Place
Daniel Grandbois
Lily Hoang
Tom Robbins
V. Ulea
Janice Lee
Christopher Higgs
Matt Bell
Philip Golabuk
Molly Gaudry
Blake Butler
Gertrude Stein
Debra Di Blasi
Craig Foltz
John Parras
Some of Tantra Bensko's Essays on Experimental Literature and Teaching
Quick Questions and Answers with Experimental Writer and Writing Teacher, Tantra Bensko, by Tamara Sellman, who is herself a writer and writing teacher, at Writing Rainbow.
Lucid Fiction in Awakening the Bay
Review of Daughter by Janice Lee
Lucid Membrane
Sci Fi sunday guest introduction and the Guest Blog
Review of Kyle Muntz' Sunshine in the Valley
Dream Memoirs
Review of Circulation by Tim Horvath
What is Experimental Literature? Interview as part of a series, by Christopher Higgs, at HTML GIANT.
Guest Editing Lucid Fiction at Medulla Review
Lucid Fiction issue of Medulla Review
Whimsical Ridiculousness Meets Explorations of Consciousness is something I came across that Zoran Rosko put up by quoting many of my reviews, and some of my writing, etc..
Experimental Writing Classes at Bewildering Stories
Challenge 375 Response on Bewildering Stories One the Unexplainable,
another Challenge Response, which was picked for the 2nd Quartly Review of 2010 at Bewildering Stories.
Sonia Barrett's interview of me--audio
What is Experimental Fiction?
Doing Something New in Experimental Fiction: Looking at Reader's Block
The Experience of Taking a Group Class Online may be Surprising
Sara Bond's interview with me at the UCLA Extension site quick version
Sara's full interview of me at SWI, with video
What is the Dialogue of Experimental Literature? at the Writers College site
Trawling for Lucid Fiction in Recent Issues of Innovative Fiction in Unlikely Stories
Fiction Should Catch Up in Mad Hatters Review
Lucid Fiction: Beyond Anti-Stories first in Retort Magazine, here in SWI
A New Literary Genre: Lucid Fiction in Bewildering Stories Magazine, and here, at Associated Content.
I was interviewed by Ron Bales, of the band Lucid Fiction, about Lucid Fiction
Interviewed by Lit Chaos Magazine by Ra himself
Physiognomy in Letters interviewed me, a great cartoon format. Download or buy Issue 1, and it's on page 17.
Writing Tip for Lit Chaos Expanding the Notions of Character
Interview at Retort Magazine on Lucid Fiction This is one of my more controversial publications, going beyond the literary into what seems to be reality. If you're more interested in experimental literature than Lucid Fiction and the social/political/spiritual/paranormal ideas behind it, you might want to start elsewhere.
Was interviewed by Claire Martin as featured writer for Southern Hum and also interviewed as featured writer by the editor of Global Inner Visions.
Podcast at The Prick of the Spindle
about being nominated for the the Pushcart Prize---audio
Review of Man's Companions by Joanna Ruocco at Tarpaulin Press, at SWI
Experimental Poetry Books by Kathy Burkett Review at SWI
Review of Matt Bell's How They Were Found, at Keyhole Press
Review of Endangered Species, by Traci OConnor at Tarpaulin Sky, at SWI
Review of Aunt Pig of Puglia by Patricia Catto, published by Jaded Ibis Press, at SWI
Review of Unclean Jobs for Women and Girls by Alissa Nutting, which won the Starcherone Prize, at SWI
Review of voices, by Kyle Muntz, out from Enigmatic Ink, at SWI
Review of Miracle Boy and Other Stories by Pinkney Benedict published by Press 53, at The Best Damn Creative Writing Blog
Review of Event Factory by Renee Gladman put out by The Dorothy Project, at The Best Damn Creative Writing Blog
Tantra's chapbook, The Cabinet of What You Don't See from ISMs Press
Review of Short Tails
Review of The New Arcana
Review of VII: The Life, Times and Tragedy of Sir Edward William Locke the Third: Gentleman, by Kyle Muntz
Lucid Fiction in Awakening the Bay
Review of Daughter by Janice Lee
Lucid Membrane
Sci Fi sunday guest introduction and the Guest Blog
Review of Kyle Muntz' Sunshine in the Valley
Dream Memoirs
Review of Circulation by Tim Horvath
What is Experimental Literature? Interview as part of a series, by Christopher Higgs, at HTML GIANT.
Guest Editing Lucid Fiction at Medulla Review
Lucid Fiction issue of Medulla Review
Whimsical Ridiculousness Meets Explorations of Consciousness is something I came across that Zoran Rosko put up by quoting many of my reviews, and some of my writing, etc..
Experimental Writing Classes at Bewildering Stories
Challenge 375 Response on Bewildering Stories One the Unexplainable,
another Challenge Response, which was picked for the 2nd Quartly Review of 2010 at Bewildering Stories.
Sonia Barrett's interview of me--audio
What is Experimental Fiction?
Doing Something New in Experimental Fiction: Looking at Reader's Block
The Experience of Taking a Group Class Online may be Surprising
Sara Bond's interview with me at the UCLA Extension site quick version
Sara's full interview of me at SWI, with video
What is the Dialogue of Experimental Literature? at the Writers College site
Trawling for Lucid Fiction in Recent Issues of Innovative Fiction in Unlikely Stories
Fiction Should Catch Up in Mad Hatters Review
Lucid Fiction: Beyond Anti-Stories first in Retort Magazine, here in SWI
A New Literary Genre: Lucid Fiction in Bewildering Stories Magazine, and here, at Associated Content.
I was interviewed by Ron Bales, of the band Lucid Fiction, about Lucid Fiction
Interviewed by Lit Chaos Magazine by Ra himself
Physiognomy in Letters interviewed me, a great cartoon format. Download or buy Issue 1, and it's on page 17.
Writing Tip for Lit Chaos Expanding the Notions of Character
Interview at Retort Magazine on Lucid Fiction This is one of my more controversial publications, going beyond the literary into what seems to be reality. If you're more interested in experimental literature than Lucid Fiction and the social/political/spiritual/paranormal ideas behind it, you might want to start elsewhere.
Was interviewed by Claire Martin as featured writer for Southern Hum and also interviewed as featured writer by the editor of Global Inner Visions.
Podcast at The Prick of the Spindle
about being nominated for the the Pushcart Prize---audio
Review of Man's Companions by Joanna Ruocco at Tarpaulin Press, at SWI
Experimental Poetry Books by Kathy Burkett Review at SWI
Review of Matt Bell's How They Were Found, at Keyhole Press
Review of Endangered Species, by Traci OConnor at Tarpaulin Sky, at SWI
Review of Aunt Pig of Puglia by Patricia Catto, published by Jaded Ibis Press, at SWI
Review of Unclean Jobs for Women and Girls by Alissa Nutting, which won the Starcherone Prize, at SWI
Review of voices, by Kyle Muntz, out from Enigmatic Ink, at SWI
Review of Miracle Boy and Other Stories by Pinkney Benedict published by Press 53, at The Best Damn Creative Writing Blog
Review of Event Factory by Renee Gladman put out by The Dorothy Project, at The Best Damn Creative Writing Blog
Tantra's chapbook, The Cabinet of What You Don't See from ISMs Press
Review of Short Tails
Review of The New Arcana
Review of VII: The Life, Times and Tragedy of Sir Edward William Locke the Third: Gentleman, by Kyle Muntz
Experimental Fiction classes
Tantra Bensko's Online Writing Academy specializing in Experimental Literature
5 Part Course
Poetics, Poetry, and Experimental Writing
Experimental Programs
New School Progressive Fiction by Robert Lopez, Accidental Realities: Writing Experimental Fiction by Sharon Mesmer
Experimental Writing Workshops in Amherst
downloadable Bernadette Mayer
Class in Australia
5 Part Course
Poetics, Poetry, and Experimental Writing
Experimental Programs
New School Progressive Fiction by Robert Lopez, Accidental Realities: Writing Experimental Fiction by Sharon Mesmer
Experimental Writing Workshops in Amherst
downloadable Bernadette Mayer
Class in Australia
Book Arts, Conceptual Book Objects
Experimental Poetry
Who is Hank Lazer?
John Moore Williams Visual Poetry
A Big Win for Experimental Poetry
Ditch Poetry
New Ideas about Black Experimental Poetry
What is Experimental Poetry and Why Do We Need It?
Tin Fish
Experimental Poetry Today
Selby's List
Driver 8: Felino A. Soriano is America’s Experimental Poet
Can Experimental Poetry Save the Earth?
John Moore Williams Visual Poetry
A Big Win for Experimental Poetry
Ditch Poetry
New Ideas about Black Experimental Poetry
What is Experimental Poetry and Why Do We Need It?
Tin Fish
Experimental Poetry Today
Selby's List
Driver 8: Felino A. Soriano is America’s Experimental Poet
Can Experimental Poetry Save the Earth?
Experimental Non-Fiction
see Robert Lopez's class at New School
What is Magical Journalism?
Stranger than Fiction
A Literary Magazine for Experimental Non-fiction and Art
A Review of Reader's Block is itself experimental
Jonathan Coe's biography of an author
25 Things You Should Know about Transmedia Storytelling
A Transmedia Experiment
Alt Minds and the Art of French Transmedia
25 Things You Should Know about Transmedia Storytelling
A Transmedia Experiment
Alt Minds and the Art of French Transmedia
Innovative Movies
Review of The Stalker
Tristram Shandy
The Fall
Sergie Paradjanov
The Brothers Quay
Jan Svankmajer
Guy Maddin
How Wings are Attached to the Backs of Angels
Breakfast on the Grass
Hen, His Wife
The Triplets of Beleville
Review of The Stalker
Tristram Shandy
The Fall
Sergie Paradjanov
The Brothers Quay
Jan Svankmajer
Guy Maddin
How Wings are Attached to the Backs of Angels
Breakfast on the Grass
Hen, His Wife
The Triplets of Beleville
photo of Tantra by Aaron Irons
Want to be Involved?
If you have a site, article, press, magazine, interview, etc. that features or is about experimental fiction, poetry, or non-fiction, and you'd like to see it here, contact Tantra Bensko at [email protected] with experimental fiction in the subject line for a link to it.
Anyone linking to this list is much adored and appreciated. Thank you for helping out the cause of Innovative Literature.
If you would like to study Experimental Writing from Tantra, see the website. If you would like to help support and encourage her, you could be a dear and buy her books.
If you would like to help promote Innovative Literature, and would like to become an editor of this page and add all the links you like about it, just ask. If you add a substantial number in an organized way you could have a section devoted to your work. If you are interested in doing your own blog here about Non-Traditional Literature, such as reviews or articles, contact. This page reaches a substantial viewership.
If you would like to advertize on this site with a large clickable image, contact.
Anyone linking to this list is much adored and appreciated. Thank you for helping out the cause of Innovative Literature.
If you would like to study Experimental Writing from Tantra, see the website. If you would like to help support and encourage her, you could be a dear and buy her books.
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